Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I'm Still Running

Two weeks in and I'm still running. Working my way up to 40 minutes of running 4 days a week. I had to start slow because you can't just start running 40 minutes a day after years of nothing.  So I started running 30 minutes.  Well, actually, 15 minutes.  Not in a row, either.  I ran 3 minutes, walked 3 minutes, 5 times over.  That was 15 minutes of running and 15 minutes of walking in 30 minutes.  It's not fantastic but at least I can say I'm running.
Now I'm running 5, walking 2 and a half, 4 times over.  That means I'm running 20 minutes a day (and wallking 10).  Not 20 minutes in a row.  Not 30 minutes yet.  Not nearly 40 straight minutes of running.  But I'll get there.  Hey, 2 weeks in I'm still running!
That's what I'm learning about being a runner.  "I'm still running!"
"I could run 40 minutes today if I decided to."  That would not mean I'm a runner.
"I ran 40 minutes today."  Even that does not make me a runner.  A 40 minute run one day, even today, does not make me a runner.  A runner is someone who runs everyday.  A runner is someone who runs.  Not just because they can, or they did once, or they will when they have to, but because they do.
Two weeks in and I'm still running.
I'm not sure that makes me a runner yet.  But if it continues this way, yes, I'll be a runner again.
My faith is like that, now that I think about it...
"John, do you believe in Jesus?"
"Yes I do."  Not just that I believed in Him once.  Not that I believe in Jesus now that you ask and I have to choose yes or no.  I believe in Jesus everyday of my life.  I'm a believer.  Some days my faith is stronger than other days.  I'm working my way to having deeper faith.  I'm not there yet.  But everyday I'm-a-believin'.   It's not fantastic but, hey, I'm still believing.
Two weeks in and I'm still running.