Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Ponderfill Begins

What are some meanings for ponder... think, reflect, meditate, mull over, consider, dwell on, ruminate.  The list could go on and on.  Even longer a list is upon what one might ponder.  That I can narrow down for the purpose of this ongoing blog.  Let's ponder on those things that fill our lives with meaning.  Okay that might be a long list, too.   So let me just lay it out there.  I believe that the words of scripture (the Bible) are capable of providing meaning to life.  Not everyone believes the Bible (and believe is the operative word).  I could spend time and space blogging what is intended to be evidence that this is true.  Someone is probably doing that, perhaps even doing it well.  Nevertheless, I seek not to convince anyone that the Bible is true by overwhelming proof and indisputable evidence.  My own faith, deep as I like to think it to be, did not come about that way.  I have spent over 50 years wrestling with bits and pieces of scripture which sometimes challenge, sometimes comfort, sometimes confuse and sometimes infuriate me.  Reflecting back (dare I say pondering) over all of it I have to say that this has done everything to help me come to grips with the realities of life and, I must say, fill my life with meaning.  Am I always at peace?  No.  Am I convinced of everything I have come to believe? No.  Do I find huge gaps in my understanding and even conviction about statements in the Bible?  Most certainly!  But the benefit of asking, answering and sometimes abandoning my many questions about life as addressed in scripture has become to me most Ponderfill.
Check back in on a regular basis and you will find me blogging about realities that scripture addresses.  Does the ancient Word of God have anything relevant for me amidst my texting on a cell phone, shoveling snow from my sidewalk and trying to do right by wonderful family?  Chances are others will ask questions that are for more interesting than mine.  I look forward to that as well.  Please join me often right here for an experience that I hope we will always find Ponderfill! (How cheesy is that?!)
I suppose I should have a verse of scripture for this.  How about...
Hebrews 4:12 (NRSV) / Indeed, the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing until it divides the soul from spirit, joints from marrow; it is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

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